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Showing posts from December, 2019

December 9th - 13th

December 9th - 13th This week, in Science, we have been exploring more about waste in our world by looking at recycling. We explored recycling by using our scrap paper to make new paper. We started by collecting up waster paper and then we turned it into pulp by shredding the paper and then putting it into a bucket of water. Over 24 hours we let the paper scraps soak in the water and stirred the pulp to break the paper into even finer pieces. The next day we took the pulp and laid it onto a screen on a lattice so that we could spread it smooth and press out some of the extra water. Finally we laid it onto a flat surface and let it dry over the weekend.  For Math this week we started off by doing a survey about which pictures we wanted to draw during our Friday Art. We needed to conduct a fair survey and complete a clear accurate tally chart. Then we used our data to complete a bar graph. We also looked at arrays and how they are used to better understand mu...

December 2nd - 6th

December 2nd - 6th Language Arts This week, in Language Arts we were doing a new Talk For Writing. It was a persuasion all about how chewing gum in class is a TERRIBLE idea. We learned that the purpose of a persuasion is to convince someone about something. All last week we practiced saying the entire persuasion because, "if we can say a persuasion we can write a persuasion." Math  In Math we learned some strategies to solve two-step word problems. We also learned how to use a picture or diagram to help us solve a word problem. The Grade 4's learned a strategy to help them solve two-digit times one digit multiplication.  Social Studies  The Glenbow Museum lent us a special kit that was full of artifacts like posters and pictures all about how the newcomers came to Alberta. We looked at photos of newcomers from Asia, Eastern Europe, England, Iceland and Africa and why they came to Canada as well as where they settled. We looked at some post...