End of the Week September 30th - October 4th This week, we had our first snowy week of the year. We had lots of fun building snowmen and we even made a snow dinosaur one day. On Wednesday, we linked the snowmen to our work in math by estimating the height of the different snowmen and snowballs around the school. Our main focus this week, during our guided math, was to learn about patterns. We explored patterns counting forwards and backwards by 2's and 5's starting from both even and odd numbers. We made observations about what we noticed about how the ones and tens digits changed. Some of us even explored patterns counting by 25's. Here is an online game if you would like to practice recognizing and extending patterns. https://www.free-training-tutorial.com/pattern/towncreator/tc-pattern.html In Physical Education class we put all of the basketball skills that we have learned together so we could play some 3 on 3 games. Mr. Pressey was assessing a bunch of skills t...